Mental health and the mental health services industry are growing faster than any other sector in the United States. In addition to these statistics, the mental health field is an industry that is not only growing rapidly, but is also seeing exponential growth in new areas such as Web-based services, technology, research, and education. Open this link sobanewjersey.com to find the best outpatient mental health services.
The potential benefit of the mental health industry to the delivery of mental health services is especially illustrated by recent epidemiological data: (1} in any given year, 15 percent of all the American population suffers from some type of mental illness; (2(3) almost half of all individuals who are diagnosed with a serious mental illness within the specialty of forensic psychology suffer from at least one incident of suicide within a five-year period; (4) almost half of all individuals who suffer with serious psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or major depression will kill themselves within a five-year period. Although the overall suicide rate for psychiatrists is relatively low compared to most other professions, the fact remains that psychiatrists, in particular, are among the most at-risk psychologists for suicide.
When people suffer from a mental illness that prevents them from leading a normal life, they are most likely to seek treatment. The first line of treatment for any type of mental health problem is a psychologist. Psychologists have long been regarded as the primary source of primary care for mental health problems, but that has changed in recent years. In the past, the primary source of primary care was often family and friends, but that is no longer the case. According to a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, almost one in five patients suffering from an illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or psychosis does not receive treatment from a primary care source within the health services industry.
In the United States, secondary education has been labeled as the new primary health care. Students enrolled in college and those living without a diploma are twice as likely to experience a serious mental illness or disorder before completing their college course of study. College graduates are more likely to have a job and live independently than those with only a high school diploma. Adults over the age of 25 years now also belong to this group of adults who have begun the college experience with greater educational interest and greater opportunities. These changes have sparked a new interest in mental health services among higher educated adults. For more info in relation to mental health services, view here.
Community mental health services have expanded greatly in recent years because of this changing demographic. Those who are considered at risk for a serious mental health disorder are increasingly represented in the community health care settings. The aging Baby Boomers is increasingly represented in these communities, even though they are no longer a majority in the country. In addition to their increased numbers, the growing number of mentally healthy adults is responsible for a substantial increase in the number of community mental health service settings.
Many professionals are involved in community mental health services. There are many different types of professional organizations that have been formed to promote wellness recovery, including but not limited to the National Alliance for Mental Health, the Mental Health Professional Association, and the American Counseling Association. Some of these groups have developed special programs that address the needs of those working in case management, mental health clinics, hospitals, schools, and communities. These professionals work together to provide information on mental disorders, wellness recovery, and mental health screening and follow-up. In order to become an outreach worker for these mental health professionals, individuals must first complete a training program.
Individuals who are interested in becoming trained in community mental health centers must first have completed a four-year undergraduate degree that specializes in psychology. After graduation, they can pursue careers as psychologists in private practice, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and hospitals. Private practices usually require one to two years of formal psychology training, while other settings may require a shorter amount of training to become an outreach worker. The career outlook for psychologists is excellent as more practitioners complete online training for community mental health centers. Learn how to boost your mental health from this post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/habits-stop-doomscrolling-improve-mental-health_l_5fa012aec5b60e7e37d0711a.