Mental health services offered include acute treatment, outpatient services, chronic care, therapy and psychiatric social services. Treatment services are offered in multiple settings such as medical clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, centers, public boarding schools, care homes and shelters, mental health clinics, schools and groups and in private residences. They are geared to meet the unique needs of men and women from all walks of life. Some of these services deal with people who have serious disabilities or who have special needs. Others deal with normal healthy people who require special attention. Visit this site to find the top rated mental health specialists. 

There are primary healthcare and specialty healthcare. Primary healthcare provides preventative and treatment care for persons with illnesses or injuries and mental disorders. Specialist healthcare helps people with illnesses or who have special needs to recover to lead normal lives. There are a wide variety of primary healthcare providers. They include general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, dental practitioners, physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and nurse practitioners.

In addition, there are specialty healthcare providers. They specialize in treating patients with mental illnesses and other conditions. Examples of these include alcohol abuse, bi-polar disorder, eating disorders, drug abuse, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, depression and other anxiety-based disorders. These are referred to as specialty fields. Other mental health services also fall into the specialty categories of primary healthcare and specialty healthcare.

Within primary healthcare, there are two major categories: hospital and community-based care. Inpatient care involves treating patients in acute care hospitals. Outpatient care refers to visiting family practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors outside of the hospital to treat the patient. Both categories share some common features, including a focus on treating the symptoms of serious mental illnesses; a focus on prevention of future problems; and a use of specialized medical and nursing personnel for psychological and medical treatment.
Substance abuse is the most prevalent preventable cause of death around the world. It is estimated that at least one person dies from a substance abuse related problem every fourteen minutes. See more here in connection mental health. 

Drug overdose can be fatal. Because drug overdose is such a high cause of death, it is critical that all drug users know the dangers of using drugs and take the appropriate actions to avoid addiction. Among all the different types of mental health services, substance abuse is the most prevalent and dangerous.
Although substance abuse is a serious problem, it is far from being the only one. The mental health services available through incarceration, hospitalization, and hospice offer basic mental health services to inmates. The goal is to help in every way possible to improve the quality of life for those inmates who are suffering from various types of mental illness. Take a look at this post elaborating more about mental health.